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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Earth Hour 2014

Earth Hour 2014, March 29 8:30-9:30pm of participants local time, just ended here in our place. Have you participated in this worldwide awareness movement?

Earth Hour is a worldwide movement organized by World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) to unite people all over the world to protect the planet. It was started in Sydney, Australia in 2007 as turned off their lights. From there, it has grown and spread to more than 7000 cities and towns worldwide to raise awareness to protect our planet Earth. 

The aim of Earth Hour is to encourage an interconnected global community to share the opportunities and challenges of creating a sustainable world.

Let's always participate and helped increase and spread awareness to protect Earth and do our part to do so. After all, this is not just a planet, this is our current home.



  1. Hello kuya! I just nominated you for the Liebster Award. :)

  2. Hi, BC Bloggers is still running. Please check us out here:

